Mission Initiation For New Board Members
The Nonprofit Industry's First Blueprint That Outlines A Step-By-Step Process For Cultivating Mission-Driven Leaders
A framework designed to turn ANY new Board member into an exceptional steward in the Board room, a vocal ambassador in your community...and a generous donor to your cause
Everyone talks about the importance of connecting new Board members to your mission as quickly as possible...and why it's the key to a successful nonprofit Board. There's just one problem...but HOW?
Let's Be Honest...
It's nearly impossible to know if that new Board member you're bringing on is going to end up being an ace in the hole...or an enduring adversary.
Nonprofits across the globe are plagued with varying personalities and capabilities in the Boardroom.
Does any of this sound familiar?
You bring on a new Board member who is known for leadership in the community...and they nitpick about operational shortcomings at every meeting.
All of that spells chaos in the Boardroom. Which spells serious trouble in your organization.
The only nonprofits that will survive - and ultimately thrive - are the ones equipped with the right tool.
A lot of nonprofit leaders think that success is found in bringing the greatest talent and influence into the Board room, but they're wrong.
Success is found in teaching the them how to best to serve YOUR organization.
Instead of bombarding them, equip them.
Flooding your new Board members with a pile of numbers, reports and statistics about your organization isn't going to get the job done. If you think about it, it never has. You must dial them into your mission from the moment they step foot in the door.
And that’s what Mission Initiation for New Board Members is all about. Your organization isn’t just any organization. A new Board member must get intimately familiar with YOU. That they served on another Board previously, is nice...but .
When you learn how to effectively initiate a new Board member, you are exerting influence over how that Board member impacts your organization. And in so doing, you can influence the growth and direction of your organization.
Mission Initiation for Board Members
Mission Initiation For New Board Members
A blueprint that shows you a revolutionary and repeatable framework that walks you step-by-step through a powerful process to transform every new Board member into a beacon who passionately represents your cause
Here is what you get:
A Step-By-Step Procedure That Informs, Prepares and Connects New Board Members To The People, The Purpose And The Plan
- Details the very first method for introducing a new Board member to their role in your organization (without handing them a bunch of paperwork)
- Informs the new Board member of exactly what their role is and how it fits into the broader framework of your organization...so they don't go chasing unimportant details
- Focuses the new Board member on your mission while honestly representing the current struggles, helping them to forge an instant connection between purpose and performance
A Comprehensive Guide That Moves New Board Members From Average To Good...And From Good To Exceptional
- Defines the role of a new Board member clearly as leading vs. managing...allowing the Executive Director the freedom to continue running the day-to-day functions of the organization
- Points a new Board member toward the most important indicators and informs them of how and where to access the information they need to serve successfully on the Board
- Offers an opportunity to re-capture the interest and involvement of current Board members who may have wandered aimlessly or fallen away...and who may simply need you to help re-ignite their spark
An All-Inclusive Sample Mission-Focused Board Initiation That Creates Instant Board Member Readiness
- Illustrates how to conduct a Board Initiation from start to finish including who to invite, what to include...and what to avoid including, at all costs
- Connects the new Board member with the key people and the inner workings of your organization so they understand clearly the responsibility they are taking on
- Puts the mission front and center with two proprietary, mission-focused tools that forge a deep connection between the new Board member and your organization
The Mission Initiation For New Board Members is ready to use TODAY. There are no prerequisites for implementing it inside your organization. Once you make your purchase, you can immediately download the package to your computer and get started. The instructions are brief and easy to follow.
The Mission Initiation For New Board Members is created and developed by Sheree Allison, Executive Director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Boys & Girls Clubs of Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada. She began over 28 years ago with a small budget, few supports, little community recognition and big dreams. Since that time she has tripled donor contributions, increased annual fundraising by over 450% and currently leads a local force of hundreds of eager volunteers. In addition to the day-to-day running of her organization, Sheree devotes significant energy to consulting, educating and guiding nonprofit organizations and professionals on how to overcome their challenges and powerfully break through the “glass ceiling” of Mission impact.